Pharmaceutical Effluent Guidelines (40 CFR 439)

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has promulgated effluent limitation guidelines and standards by contributing to 40 CFR part 439.These important laws and regulations are for the Pharmaceutical Manufacturing Industry to control the discharge of pollutants into the surface waters of the United States. The following test methods support the final rule:

  • EPA Method 1666A – Volatile Organic Compounds Specific to the Pharmaceutical Manufacturing Industry by Isotope Dilution GC/MS
  • EPA Method 1671A – Volatile Organic Compounds Specific to the Pharmaceutical Manufacturing Industry by GC/FID
  • EPA Method 524 – Volatile Organic Compounds required for a select set of compounds listed in the Pharmaceutical Effluent Guidelines (40 CFR 439). GC/MS

(We have included a list of methods and their limits below)

We have both the ability and experience to meet all of your Pharmaceutical Manufacturing Industry (PMI) analytical needs. We provide the Pharmaceutical industry with professional project managers, comprehensive data review and excellent turnaround times.

Teklab can set up a specific program for each facility based on your POTW or NPDES permit. And our Laboratory Information System (LIMs) can notify you each time a regulatory limit is exceeded; allowing prompt action to correct any problems.

There are four subcategories in the EAP regulations which are based on the type of operation performed at the facility.

  • Subcategory A – Fermentation production
  • Subcategory B – Extraction Products
  • Subcategory C – Chemical Synthesis Products
  • Subcategory D – Mixing/Compounding and Formulation


Contaminant Methods/Limits for the Analysis of Wastewater in the Pharmaceutical Manufacturing Industry (PMI)

→These are commonly tested analytes and methods that Teklab has listed for your assistance.


Teklab makes it a priority to ensure every one of our customers is satisfied and receives the best service possible, we encourage feedback and utilize open communication to protect the integrity of our results. Our highly-trained staff is among the best in the business, from our field technicians to the chemists doing the analysis. If you have any questions or would like to open up a line of communication to receive a risk-free quote for our testing services, please reach out using our helpful Teklab, Inc. directory located on the Contacts page.

NELAP Accredited Testing

Teklab adheres to strict guidelines and standards to participate in the National Environmental Laboratory Accreditation Program (NELAP). We warmly invite both current and prospective clients to visit our facility, meet with a project manager, or review our Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs).

We believe that a great business starts with a passion for perfection and outstanding customer service. To uphold this standard, we consistently train our chemists and analysts to maintain peak efficiency. While our customers are a top priority, the safety and well-being of our employees always come first.

With over 43 years of experience in the environmental testing industry, our mission is to deliver reliable, accurate results promptly. Learn more about our commitment to excellence by exploring our mission statement.


Teklab is a proud PICS member.

Environmental Protection Agency – 40 CFR Part 439

Pharmaceutical Manufacturing: Point Source Category / Wastewater Analysis

Specialty Testing Services

Lead In Drinking Water FAQs For Schools

This document outlines the procedures for collecting and testing drinking water samples for lead in schools or daycare facilities. As well as links to other helpful pages with information that could be useful.

Step By Step Sampling Guide For Daycares

Step-By-Step Guide to Drinking Water Sample Collection for Daycares: This is an informational to help you understand the guidelines for submitting samples from a daycare to be testing at our laboratory, as well as the chain of custody form.

Sampling Guide For Schools

Step By Step Guide to Drinking Water Sample Collection: This helpful guide will detail sample collection and preparation for filling out a chain of custody form to submit drinking water samples for testing.