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At Teklab, we excel in the precise analysis of a wide range of Semi-Volatile Organic Compounds (SVOCs) to meet the stringent requirements of industrial, municipal, and regulatory clients throughout the Midwest.
At Teklab, we specialize in the precise testing of a wide variety of Semi-volatile Organic Compounds (SVOCs) to meet the rigorous demands of industrial, municipal, and regulatory clients. Our advanced environmental laboratory routinely analyzes soils, waters, and special wastes using state-of-the-art methods, ensuring that every test we conduct is both accurate and reliable. From BNA and PAH testing to pesticides and herbicides, our comprehensive list of semi-volatile methods is designed to address your specific needs.
Understanding that many unique organic compounds exist, and local regulatory agencies may require testing beyond standard EPA or SW846 lists, Teklab performs validation studies to ensure your particular compound can be accurately extracted and analyzed. We pride ourselves on maintaining NELAP accreditation standards, providing you with trustworthy and legally defensible results. Whether your testing requirements are routine or specialized, Teklab’s commitment to quality and precision ensures that your environmental testing needs are met with the highest level of expertise.
Semi-Volatile Methods refer to a category of techniques or procedures used in various scientific and industrial applications, where the term semi-volatile implies that the substances involved can evaporate or vaporize under certain conditions, but not as readily as highly volatile substances. The SW-846 methods, developed by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), are a set of standardized protocols designed for the analysis of hazardous substances in environmental samples such as soil, water, air, and waste.
The methods in SW-846 specifically address the identification and quantification of contaminants, including both volatile and semi-volatile organic compounds (SVOCs).
Definition of Semi-Volatile:
Semi-volatile compounds are those that have an intermediate volatility.
They are not as easily evaporated as highly volatile substances (like alcohols or fuels), but they can still vaporize when subjected to certain environmental conditions, such as increased temperature or reduced pressure. Examples include certain pesticides, solvents, and environmental pollutants.
In the context of analytical chemistry, semi-volatile substances are often studied using specific techniques. These include:
Often coupled with mass spectrometry (MS), GC-MS is widely used to separate and identify semi-volatile organic compounds (SVOCs).
Semi-volatile methods are also used in industrial applications for quality control and detection of residual solvents or chemicals that are not fully volatile under typical conditions but can still affect product safety and quality.
To properly detect or analyze semi-volatile substances, specialized equipment and procedures are required, such as:
Thermal Desorption Units: To collect semi-volatile compounds from a sample by heating it.
Headspace Analysis: This method can analyze gases or vapors in the air above a solid or liquid sample, particularly for substances with semi-volatile properties.
Because semi-volatile compounds can have a significant environmental or health impact, their detection and monitoring are often subject to regulatory standards. For example, certain limits may be set on allowable levels of SVOCs in consumer products, drinking water, or air quality.
Semi-Volatile Methods are critical for analyzing substances that exhibit intermediate volatility, allowing for precise identification, detection, and monitoring in various applications, particularly in environmental and industrial sectors.
Our advanced environmental laboratory routinely analyzes soils, waters, and special wastes, utilizing state-of-the-art methods that have been industry verified for SVOCs; to ensure that every test we perform is both accurate and reliable. Furthermore, we understand the diverse nature of organic compounds and the importance of accurate testing, especially when local regulatory agencies require the analysis of substances not listed in standard EPA or SW-846 methods.
Teklab’s services extend beyond routine testing—we specialize in conducting rigorous validation studies to determine whether your specific compound can be accurately extracted and analyzed using recognized reference methods.
Check out the NIEH Sampling Guide for information on collecting water and soil/sediment samples to submit for SVOC analysis.
With a strong commitment to meeting NELAP accreditation standards, we ensure that the results you receive are precise, reliable, and legally defensible.
By partnering with a nationally accredited environmental testing laboratory like Teklab, you can trust that even compounds not commonly analyzed or covered by EPA-approved methods will be tested with the highest level of expertise and care. We are passionate about quality and dedicated to compliance, this accountability means that your unique testing needs are met with the professionalism and accuracy you expect from those who are truly passionate.
Teklab’s laboratory excels in conducting comprehensive validation studies to determine whether your specific compound can be accurately extracted and analyzed using industry-recognized reference methods
By choosing Teklab, you benefit from the highest level of expertise and rigorous quality control, so you can trust that even uncommon compounds not typically covered by EPA-approved methods are tested with the utmost accuracy.
Our thoroughly trained and qualified analysts are required to continually attend quality and safety meetings developed to keep each individual analyst or technician focused on providing quality in a safe manner conducive to accurate results.
As industry experts in environmental analysis, we advocate for the use a NELAP-accredited environmental testing laboratory, whether or not your application explicitly requires it.
This is due to the amount of adherent dedication and passion for science that is required to be proficient and excel in the analytical testing arena. Regulatory compliance is even more strict for laboratories typically, so we fully understand the hurdles and nuances that one must endure to learn the best route in good faith. It takes much experience and wisdom to grasp the importance of sustaining environmental preservation, but even more to understand the complexities involved in its regulation.
Additionally, please feel free to reach out to our laboratory support personnel or management staff by navigating to our Contact Us page and utilizing the directory we have for your convenience.
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